Octaverse Games bsc

 Octaverse Games is a Play to Earn NFT gaming token on the Binance Smart Chain that rewards its holders with the native Octaverse Games Token.

Our first Play to Earn NFT game Xzibia is a collectible player vs player card game that requires an NFT deck of cards to battle on the Xzibia arena. As a player, you will build your NFT card deck to fight battles in either single player or multiplayer mode.

There is a 15% tax rate on buys and sells with 2% going to holder reflections in the Octaverse Games native token, 7% going to the marketing and development wallet, 2% buyback wallet and 4% going to the liquidity pool.

Our roadmap includes staking, a second Play to Earn game, bridge to Ethereum and Solana, gaming partnerships, and a metaverse.

Name: Nyingnying




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